Paul Wakefield

Paul Wakefield was born and raised in Hong Kong and has lived in England for many years. His work has been shown at many galleries and museums since 1984 and has won many international awards. Throughout his career as a commercial photographer, he has always followed his calling to slow down, take time and gently observe and inhale landscape, using traditional colour negative film in his 4×5 inch Ebony camera. “Look more, shoot less.”

“Every landscape has its own footprint, and that’s what I’m looking for, not by imposing my will onto it, but allowing it to speak for itself.” Paul’s use of minimal colour palettes and whispering, soft light makes his images tactile; you want to touch them. They may contain complex scenes with multiple elements, but they are so well organized, that they radiate a unique visual elegance and express eloquently to the viewer patterns and juxtapositions that are not apparent at first sight, an atmosphere of mystery.

All areas in Paul’s images are equally important. Optical democracy in landscape. Mostly flat light ensures that neither highlights nor shadows catch our immediate attention. There may be contrasts in his subject matter, but not in the light. The light just… is. Paul’s use of large format sheet film, long exposure times and small apertures mean that his images have an endless depth of field and the focal point is everywhere in the image.

There is clarity in Paul Wakefield’s scenery, stillness, and sharp observation. Some images may even seem monochrome, but there is plenty of colour, all in harmony. Calm beauty.

Awards include:
D&AD Silver Award
AOP Gold & Silver Awards
Communication Arts
Grand Prix de L’APPM
1st Prix Club de Directors Arte Paris.
Creativity International
IPA – International Photography Awards
Nominated for Prix Pictet

Gallery Exhibitions:
Taunus Foto Galerie – Bad Homburg / The Photographers Gallery London / Gallery of Photography Dublin / Zelda Cheatle Gallery London / Saatchi Gallery London / Maritime Museum London / Kodak Gallery Tokyo / Redfern Gallery London / Royal Academy London / AOP Gallery / Hendershot Gallery New York /

Indian Rites: Signs of Devotion, 2023
The Landscape – 2014 (IPA book award)
Ireland, Your Only Place – 1988
Scotland, A Place of Visions – 1986
Britain, A World by Itself – 1984
Wales, The First Place – 1982