Angus Haywood

Angus Haywood is a black and white film, landscape photographer and lives near the silver water of Chichester Harbour on the south coast of England.

Sensitivity to the landscape and light became imbued from first experiencing life in England’s southern rolling farm fields and varied coasts, and the mark of mankind on them.  He grew up surrounded by rural Dorset, amongst wheatfields and hedgerows, copses and crows, tracks and lanes, shorelines and seasons. The weather and the light in Britain are so changeable and complex within every season, week and day, that Angus is instinctively conscious of it and aware of its next display.

Influences and respect over the years have been for the work of Fay Godwin, working with Michael Kenna and Charlie Waite and their artworks through the Bosham Gallery, Bill Brandt, Cartier-Bresson, and other contemporary photographers. Man Ray, Robert Capa, Brassaï, Vivian Maier, Kertesz, Ansel Adams, Robert Doisneau, Edward and Brett Weston, Sebastiao Salgado – all of these photographers hold an ongoing interest.

His evolution to black & white film photography began in the 1980’s, when first given a Russian ‘Zenit’ film camera, progressing to a very manual Swedish ‘Hasselblad 500-series’ medium-format film camera, with its well-known, quality German ‘Zeiss’ lenses.  

This Hasselblad doesn’t even have a battery.  Using a tripod to ensure sharpness, Angus makes long exposures of minutes or hours to express the movement of clouds, water, leaves, trees and time. The film-rolls are processed by hand, then crafted by Angus in his darkroom into handmade limited-edition silver gelatin prints. They are professionally dry-mounted and framed with archival, anti-reflective/UV glass, to enable the viewer to focus on detail and to help preserve the print over decades.

Angus was an airline pilot in the UK, Europe and across the Middle East until 2016. He devoted himself to learning and understanding multiple worlds and societies, leading to a deeper appreciation and humility in life and within our landscapes.

He continues with further photographic and artwork projects, printing only silver gelatins in the darkroom, having photographed the Italian lakes and western and southern Germany, both during the day and at night. France, Britain and more of Europe will follow, photographically.

Angus is an integral contributor to Taunus Foto Galerie’s exhibition “Silver Light” in Spring 2021, at which three monochrome photographers present their work.


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Angus Haywood – meet the photographer, his images and his stories

Video discussion on 26 June 2021